Business Logic
- Importance of encapsulating business logic in software architecture.
- Overview of MemberJunction’s object-oriented approach.
- Description of the BaseEntity class as the foundation of the architecture.
- Automation of CRUD operations by the BaseEntity class.
- The concept of subclassing the BaseEntity.
- Introduction to strongly typed generated subclasses.
- Benefits of compile-time checking and IntelliSense for developers.
- The role of the CodeGen tool in maintaining the subclasses.
- The approach to implementing custom business logic.
- Subclassing strongly typed generated subclasses.
- Ensuring synchrony with schema changes and the role of the CodeGen utility.
- Code examples showcasing custom validation and data flow logic.
- Advantages of distributing logic for performance and user experience.
- Consistency between front-end and back-end logic.
Updated 3 months ago