Overview of the Sample App
The goal for the Sample Application is to have a small but meaningful sample app that uses the MemberJunction framework. We believe the best way to help developers learn the framework is through a working example. You can use this project to explore the capabilities of the MemberJunction framework while at the same time use it as a live guidebook.
Functionally, the sample app is modeled after one that many people will be able to relate to – an online bookstore – where people can browse books by category and/or search for books, then complete a purchase for their selection(s).
Below is a list of all pages of the sample app as well as a brief description of the functionality on each page.
Home Page
Serves as the landing page for the bookstore. Here you can choose to view books by most popular categories or by common topics. Selecting either choice will take you to the topic or category page, where books are displayed that match the topic or category criteria provided. The topics and categories displayed on the hope page each have a hidden display rank, which is used to determine their sort order.
Search Page
Here you can search through the entire book database and modify your search by querying against either the Book's title, topics, or categories. selecting a search result will take you to the book detail page
Book Detail Page
Information about a specific book is displayed here, such as name, description, author and language. You can also add multiple copies of the book to your cart as well as view similar books. In the admin view, you can change various aspects of the book, such as the price of the book and the number of pages.
Search Categories Page
Withing the top categories section on the home page, Clicking the "View All" button will take you to the Search page for categories. Here all categories are displayed in addition to a search bar at the top.
Admin Dashboard
The admin dashboard allows you to view, add, edit or delete any topic or category. You can add sub-categories to existing categories as well as create new books under a specific category or topic
The account page allows you to view and edit basic information about yourself, such as your first and last name, phone number, information about your business, and personal topics you may like. Selecting a topic will display an interest level slider, allowing you to set specific levels of interest for each topic. Finally, there's a section for past orders, allowing you to view all purchases you made on the site.
The cart page is straightforward. It displays all books you've added to your cart while browsing the app and displays the sum of all books and their copies as the total.
Updated 3 months ago